The Quest for an Identity... It’s not yet over

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Dr Richard Zwane's heartfelt memoir The Quest for an Identity... it's not yet over is the story of a patriot and a freedom fighter who endured hurtful, cruel experiences in Swaziland. It highlights the internal conflict that sparked unexplained hurt, anger and resentment.


His tale of activism led him to deeper internal conflicts and the bitterness that settled in his gut suddenly exploded into small victories. In persevering with the atrocious acts of a cruel regime, Zwane built a successful career as an education leader, life coach and clergyman.


However, his life has been plagued by distractions and expurgated by his childhood memories and the continuous mind torture he experienced in Eswatini Royal Regime. This was driven to the extreme when he learnt about the passing first of his mother and later his father, both of whom he described as his heroes. He was then fixed on one idea…keep moving in the direction set up by his creator Yahweh, but his resilience landed him in a new predicament: 


"There comes a time in life when one must take a position that is neither safe nor political nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right." American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jnr.


Zwane experienced an unexpected mood swing that he deemed as spiritual hunger. These fluctuations would sometimes appear as night visions and he was later called to become a pastor, ministering in a church he established.


Throughout the book, readers realise surrendering to misery was never Zwane's stance. Growing up, his only desire was to become a medical doctor. While not working in a large hospital in line with his dreams, he became a doctor in the hospital of life when he graduated as a Doctor of Philosophy.


The book concludes with a cluster of insights into life where Zwane highlights his thoughts on the capability of the subconscious mind.

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