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B. Lynn Goodwin
B. Lynn Goodwin owns Writer Advice, Her memoir, Never Too Late: From Wannabe to Wife at 62 (Koehler Books) won a National Indie Excellence Award a Human Relations Indie Book Award, and a Pinnacle Book Award as well as earning an Honorable Mention in other contests. Her flash fiction has been published in Nebo, Cabinet of Heed, and Flashquake. Other short works have appeared in Hip Mama, The Sun,,, Dramatics Magazine and in assorted regional publications. A former drama and English teacher, she's presented writing and journaling workshops for Story Circle Network, the California Writers Club, several Contra Costa County libraries, and is a Manuscript Coach at Writer Advice, where she also writes reviews, interviews authors, and shares writing and marketing information. Before she became an author, she taught drama in high school and college, and directed plays and musicals there as well as directing in community theatre. Her award-winning high school drama students were invited to perform at the International Thespian Society along with 14 other high schools selected from around the country. She directed the musical in Talent, Oklahoma!, at San Ramon Valley High School and directed over 50 productions in high school, college, and community theatre.