Redeemed by Love

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About the author

Sariah Denzin

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sariah Denzin has authored forty-five romance novels across three pen names and is on a mission to produce as many as she can before her parts rust and things start falling off.

You won’t find her books on any best-selling author lists, she has no time for social media, and couldn’t care one jot that her work hasn’t received any writing awards. (Okay, there were two awards, but who’s counting, right?)

Sariah firmly believes laughter is the best medicine, thinks the A-Team is still one of the greatest TV shows ever made, is married to her jacked high school sweetheart, and hopes to one day witness the Southern Lights with her quirky kiddos.

Her small-town family romances sit right smack bang on the line between steamy and sweet, feature rugged heroes and gutsy heroines, are dipped in intrigue, laced with action, all blended with a large scoop of humor, and a subtle dash of faith.

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