Lilith Masoner is a dedicated and imaginative student currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing at Full Sail University. Hailing from the small, vibrant town of Lubbock, Texas, Lilith’s journey has been marked by creativity and a deep passion for storytelling. Since graduating high school in 2022, Lilith has navigated her path with both artistic flair and determination. During high school, she immersed herself in animation classes, becoming fluent in Adobe Animate. It was in these classes that Lilith’s love for concept design blossomed. She spent countless hours crafting unique characters and intricate worlds, eventually weaving them into a captivating narrative. As a trans girl, Lilith’s journey of self-discovery has paralleled her artistic growth. Recognizing the power of storytelling, she chose to further her education in writing, aspiring to breathe life into her creations and share her vibrant imagination with the world. Lilith's dedication to honing her craft and her passion for bringing her characters and stories to life continues to drive her forward as she navigates her academic journey and beyond.