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About the author

Zdravka Vladova-Momcheva

Zdravka Vladova-Momcheva writer and poetess.

Lives and works in Great Britain. Teacher of Bulgarian language, Literature and History at ‘Ivan Stancioff’ Bulgarian Embassy School, London. Long-time contributor to BG BEN, a Bulgarian newspaper in the UK. Member of the Bulgarian Writers League in the USA and around the World.


Gold medal of the ‘Agency of the Bulgarians abroad’ for her service rendered to preserving and promoting the Bulgarian language and culture abroad.

Honourable Distinction ‘Neofyt Rilsky’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria.

First Award in the international contest ‘Dance with words’ of Palabrass Press Publishing House, Canada, for her poem ‘The Song of Orpheus’.

First Award in the literary contest ‘The Exquisite pen 2019’ of ‘Salon for Bulgarian Culture and Spirituality’, Chicago, for her acrostic ‘Alphabetical Poem’;

Second Award in the literary contest ‘The New Jovkov’ of the ‘Bulgarian Armed Forces Women Association’, for an episode of her novel ‘Soldier’.

Poetry collections:

‘Transformations’ (1999); ‘These Simple Things’ (bi-lingual,2000); ‘A Child, a Woman, a Prophetess’ (2000);’Thracian Treasure’(bi-lingual,2006); ‘Dedications’ (2009).

Short stories:

 ‘Hello, Bulgaria!’ (2012), part of the Slavonic Section of ‘The Library of the Congress’, Washington, USA.


‘The Road’ (2002).

‘Soldier’ (2021).

Works of Zdravka Vladova-Momcheva has been published in Bulgaria, USA, Canada, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, South Korea.