Trick or Treat

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When Thomas wanted to join his friends trick or treating, his mum was a bit worried because he was already prone to nightmares. Would the occasion help him or would it make matters worse?


This SHORT STORY has previously been published in Twee Tales Too and Twee Tales More.

Wordsworth Shorts

About the author

Diane Wordsworth

Diane Wordsworth was born and bred in Solihull in the West Midlands when it was still Warwickshire. She started to write for magazines in 1985 and became a full-time freelance photojournalist in 1996. In 1998 she became sub-editor for several education trade magazines and started to edit classroom resources, textbooks and non-fiction books.
In 2004 Diane moved from the Midlands to South Yorkshire where she edited an in-house magazine for an international steel company for six years. She still edits and writes on a freelance basis.