Arguing With God

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About the author

Catharine LJ Parks

Catharine Leona Joy Minter Parks was born in Chatham Ontario to a Canadian mother and an American father. Her early childhood was spent in the church growing up under a strict upbringing but at an early age started to desire more. With an adventuresome spirit she would join her brother in escaping the house after bedtime and going downtown with him to dances, plays, and the movies, to enjoy all the things that her religious parents denied her.

Catharine developed a life-time interest in weight loss techniques because of her struggles with weight loss.

Catharine LJ Parks author of I am a Keto Kid published 2016, Obesity Strongholds how to overcome them,  published May 2016, The Ins and Outs of Gastric Bypass published July 27, 2017, Tips for Successful Dining Out, and Why Remain Morbidly Obese published 2017.