It Began with a Man in a Townhouse

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About the author

Diane M. Pratt

Welcome to my (auto) biography. You probably don't want to know that I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, sister-in-law, aunt, great-aunt, grandmother, and friend, so I'll skip all that. You may not really care that I have no writing qualifications, unless you consider my seventh grade Literature (pronounced LIT-ra-tour) class with Miss Honeycutt. I haven't won any awards unless you'd count the three times I was Employee of the Month.

I started writing for several reasons I won't bore you with, and decided that stories with happy endings are all I want to write. In each of my stories, my characters live ordinary lives and have ordinary jobs. The heroine could be someone like the woman sitting across from you on the train. The hero could be similar to the man climbing out of the taxi in front of yours. Ordinary people with ordinary lives who somehow meet, and after days, weeks, months of trying to understand the other, realize that their lives have become extraordinary. Because romance and love are extraordinary.

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