Why Men Pull Away in Relationships

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Why do men pull away? Have you ever been in the position when your relationship is going well, you're both happy, and yet for some inexplicable reason, your man pulls away.

It could be that you're thinking that he's the one, and then what? He goes swanning off to find himself, and you're left thinking what's going on. You feel confused, hurt, and not even sure if you have a relationship. You need to understand!

The crazy, inexplicable thing is that just because he's pulled away from you, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care for you, or that he doesn't worship the ground that you walk on. The problem is that for some vague, weird reason, there are some things that trigger a flight reaction in him, at least until he can work things through.

If you want your relationship to work and to move forward then you have to understand your man. You need to know what makes him tick, his hopes and dreams, and what scares him. Once you can understand him you should be able to create a less threatening environment. If he is in a non-threatening relationship then he is much less likely to pull away.

This book will help you to understand your man, and will I hope set you on the path to a long and happy life together. Good Luck.

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