International Daters Guide To Nikolaev Ukraine

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About the author

John Klose

John is one of the unlikeliest guys you'd ever think would be writing about international dating and marriage. Yes, he's searched, dated, and married a fantastic lady from Ukraine, and many of his friends have or have had, an international marriage. But so have a lot of other guys. As near as anyone can tell, it's between 40,000 to 50,000 people a year, according to the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) petitioning for a K-1 Visa for their fiancée. Expand that number worldwide, and it probably grows to 80,000 to 100,000 people moving to another country and marrying someone each year. Let's face it, "globalization" isn't just for supply chains anymore. Romance has gone global too.

So it's not his personal dating experience that makes him unique; he's just one of many successful men. It's his other skills and knowledge - the technical training and work experiences from his life make him unique. John's a semi-retired engineer and has been an engineering program manager for million-dollar defense projects. He's helped businesses, both large and small, develop new technology for the Navy for over 30 years. He's also a retired Commander in the Navy. John's a former nuclear-trained submarine officer who specialized in working with Navy SEALS and other Special Operations Forces, and a former Major Military Command Center staff officer who supported worldwide military operations in both wartime and peace. He was even an intel weenie once or twice too.

John has this unique skill set from his professional life that understands how many small businesses and large corporations operate. He's also an analytical, systemic-thinking, risk-averse, process-oriented, puzzle-solving engineer. He loves processes and procedures and hates risk. (Thanks Submarine Force). John thinks things through and plans with objectives and goals with different levels of completion criteria. He also sees patterns in systems and processes, and where the holes or inconsistencies exist that make these things less effective or inefficient. John has managed uncertainty for several decades and was legally required never to lose or waste the government's money. So when he thinks about the international dating industry, John thinks radically different thoughts about how things are structured and how underserved the market (this means you) is by most small businesses and a few big corporations in the International Dating Industry.

John loves to research the hell out of problems and find the simple core truth of a matter that will allow someone to obtain the results that they want to achieve. He puts this same hard-working effort into his books so that men can pursue their dreams.

John Klose is also a senior consultant and owner of Amalgamated Bottlecap Consulting where he assists companies in building teams of outrageously talented people who measure up to the 14th to 20th Century Ottoman Turks in innovating technology in a rapidly changing (and sometimes the apparent lack of) civilization.Add an Author Biography