Raging Storm - Blood of the Rainbow 1

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Do you believe in fate or destiny? Until a strange car pulled in Lucy's driveway, Jared Thundercloud laughed at his grandfather's old stories and legends. Now the girl that's been visiting his dreams since he was nineteen is standing across the street from him. At least he thinks it's her. She's the reason he became a doctor. He hoped he could change a predestined future by being in the right place at the right time. Can he? Will fate be kind, or will destiny rule out? Through the years, Jared has built a secret love for his 'dream girl'. A love so strong, he's willing to walk away if he thinks it's better for her - if his walking away can change her future. What does he want to change? Why won't he tell her? This book is linked to the 'A Vested Interest' series and could be regarded as the first book. You don't have to have read other books in the series. A second book, 'Roses and Regret', and third book, 'Choice and Change' also fit before the start of the A Vested Interest series.

Blood of the Rainbow

About the author

Shelia Chapman

OK, I know you came here expecting to find out every juicy detail about me and my life, and the average author would probably happily oblidged. Surprise, I'm not like other authors. I don't want people to admire me for who I am or how I lived my life. I want to be admired for what I can offer as an author.

I've been writing stories since I was seven years old. The first story I remember writing was about a pigeon named Popcorn. No, it  didn't make the New York best seller list, but what would you expect from someone still in grade school. I'd like to think my craft has improved through the years. Before you leave, did I forget to mention, I HATE writing about myself. I'd much rather create new exciting and interesting characters and then make them run the gaunlet. Having said that, you can interact with me in the following ways:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sheliamchapman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SChapmanAuthor
Blogspot: https://ukedu-realitycheck.blogspot.co.uk/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/avestedinterest/