The Bennet Sisters Boxed Set

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About the author

Mary Strand

Mary Strand practiced corporate law in a large Minneapolis law firm for sixteen years until the day she set aside her pointy-toed shoes (or most of them) and escaped the land of mergers and acquisitions to write novels.  The first novel she wrote, Cooper’s Folly, won Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart award and was her debut novel.

Mary lives on a lake in Minneapolis with her husband, two cute kidlets, and a stuffed monkey named Philip. When not writing, she lives for sports, travel, guitar, dancing (badly), Cosmos, Hugh Jackman, and ill-advised adventures that offer a high probability of injury to herself and others.  She writes YA, romantic comedy, and women’s fiction novels.  Pride, Prejudice, and Push-Up Bras is the first in her four-book YA series, The Bennet Sisters.

You can find Mary at, follow her on Twitter or Instagram(@Mary_Strand), or “like” her on Facebook (