My Land My Soul - The Golden Dagger

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About the author

Maria Uran

Maria Uran is a teacher at a local middle school in Darwin, Northern Territory since 2011. On a sparse time, she helps other people particularly Indonesian people to understand Australian Legal system on a pro bono basis.

Prior to that, she was working briefly as a Barrister/Solicitor in the Northern Territory.

She was born in small town in Lewoleba – Lembata, which is a small island next to East Flores. It is located in Nusa Tenggara Timor (NTT) [ East Nusa Tenggara Province] at 18 December 1979.

She is the youngest of the family of nine children.  She is also a mother of two lovely children, Claudia and Edward.


Sekolah Dasar Katolik I Lewoleba – Lembata, NTT Indonesia1987 - 1993 (Primary School)

SMP St. Pius X, Lewoleba- Lembata, NTT Indonesia, 1993 - 1995 (Middle School)

SMAN I Nubatukan, Lewoleba –Lembata, NTT Indonesia 1995 - 1998 (High School)

Bachelor of Business of Northern Territory University, Australia 2003

Bachelor of Laws – Charles Darwin University, Australia 2005

Master of Laws in Legal Practice – Australian National University, Australia 2006

Graduate Diploma of Teaching and Learning – Charles Darwin University, Australia 2011

Bachelor of Applied Science – Charles Darwin University, Australia 2014