Cheap Tequila - A Funny Urban Fantasy

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In all of her long life, Desdemona Albrecht never thought that she would have to rely on a scrawny kid with a penchant for marijuana.

Andy Ballston uses a wide array of mind altering substances as he tries to find true love. From the innocent caffeine punch of a double tall latte, to the gut wrenching double shot of well drink tequila, Andy keeps tossing them back to ease his pain.

If you never thought that bullfighting and Battlestar Galactica would be mentioned in the same sentence, let alone the same book, you'd be wrong on both counts!

It's a lively romp through Seattle, Los Angeles, Mexico and even the fourth dimension as you follow this unlikely cast of characters as they try to get from one day to another.

You'll be entranced by the magic that is woven throughout the story, and you just might want a shot of tequila yourself by the time it's all through.

Other books by John Poetzel