Although many apply to join the Gardaí, only a small fraction of applicants are successful. So, what is the secret to success? One word. Preparation.
This 175+ page guide has been written by former Garda Superintendent, Noel McLoughlin. As the founder of and a former member of the Garda Interview Panel at the Public Appointments Service, he has personally coached and prepared thousands of individuals for the Garda Recruitment Process. He shares his insider’s perspective and thinking behind each stage of the recruitment process, clearly explaining and providing crucial insights into what the assessors are looking for and why.
Noel covers every stage of the Garda recruitment process in great detail, including an overview of the recruitment process, how to complete your Application Form, the Psychometric Tests at Stage 1 and Stage 2, and the Stage 3 Competency based Interview.
The applicant will gain an understanding of the mechanics of each stage and be shown how to successfully apply themselves to each task. Practice Q&A’s are also included so the applicant shows up at each stage of the recruitment process confident and fully prepped to perform.
If you are SERIOUS about joining An Garda Síochána then this is the only guide you need.