Clach Na Fàisneachd


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Nuair a chaidh Seòrdag air chall an dèidh clach neònach fhaighinn air an tràigh, chaidh na h-iseanan aice agus Òisgeag, caora bogsa-ciùil, ga lorg. Thug sin iad dhan laboratoraidh dhìomhair, oillteil. Saoil an lorg Òisgeag agus na h-iseanan Seòrdag agus an cuidich iad a caraid, am Fiosaiche?

Eadar-theangachadh le Catriona Mhoireach.

Other books by David Hutchison

About the author

David Hutchison

David Hutchison is a Scottish writer, artist and  filmmaker.  He wrote and illustrated YA novella Storm Hags, historical novel The Book of Skulls and the Seordag Stories series of children's picturebooks (also available in Gaelic) .  He is currently curating exhibitions and writing a new series of stories.