Night of the Voting Dead 2224

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About the author

John Pansini

                John compares himself to Mark Twain & Ernest Hemingway. Some people call him delusional. He calls himself confident.
                John says he’s "a model railroad hobbyist." In other words, he likes to play with toy trains.
               John keeps a 20 gallon commune of tropical fish. The fish are happy; they co-exist peacefully; they’re healthy & well-fed. John & the fish prefer live plants. Unlike the ocean, no plastic is allowed in their water.
                John likes to cook. It’s a means to an end. He really, really, really loves to eat!
               Despite a B.S. from City College of New York & a Master’s Degree in Library & Information Science from St. John’s University,
               to feed himself & his cats, John bangs nails for a living. Like the great John Henry, another steel driving man, John Pansini will be buried with his hammer in his hands.
               John loves all animals, great or small; especially cats; especially his cats: Spooky (female 17), Cloud (male 12) and Alvin (a little orange terror, 6).
              John is still single. No woman he ever wanted ever wanted him.