Under the Shadow's Eye

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About the author

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson spends his days chasing after one of those diabolically bipedal entities we often refer to with the innocuous moniker of “Pre-Schooler” or waking in the wee hours of the morning to quiet someone’s nightmares or weave them a pleasant dream. Otherwise, I’m correcting papers, planning lessons, climbing trees, remodeling my home in the woods, reading in the groggy wastes of the middle of the night (since those aforementioned entities don’t sleep), or drinking black, dark roast (or something with a little more bite). Oh yeah, sometimes I even get some writing in there too. 

I have a full-length collection of poetry titled The Conditions We Live, published by Unsolicited Press. 

Find out more about me and my work, or sign up for my mailing list at ericjohnsonwriter.com.