Bad Twin

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A small-town cowboy turns his considerable charm on an older woman in order to win a bet...with unexpected consequences.

Quick-Read Series Romances

About the author

Allison M. Azulay

Stories of all kinds enthralled Allison M. Azulay when she was a child, starting with fairy tales read aloud by her parents and then Nancy Drew Mysteries discovered in the one-room schoolhouse she attended in her first four grades.  Since that time, she has devoured everything from romance and historical drama, to mysteries and crime thrillers, to chick lit and science fiction.

Though she wrote tales of her own in her youth, “adulting” put a damper on her creativity awhile.  Later, encouraged by her husband, she explored her talents and and regained her passion for writing.  Now she writes romance and adventure novels and short stories.

“I try to give readers the sorts of thrills I get from reading books by Diana Gabaldon and Diana Palmer, Tom Clancy and Louise Penny.”

Allison's Quick-Read series in digital and Coffee Break Collections in print provide short stories, novelettes, and novellas for those with little time to read, for those who like something to pass the time while they wait (for the bus to arrive, for the roast to cook, for the doctor to finish with patients ahead in the queue...), and for those who are simply not inclined to read long tales.

Avid readers:  Watch for short and long novels such as those in the Twin Tales Series and the new Ex Tempore Series, as well as standalone novels like fantasy tale The Chalice of Forever.