Broken Promise

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About the author

Paisley Kirkpatrick

Drawing from her family history and a healthy imagination, Paisley Kirkpatrick kicked off a wild ride down a dusty trail with Marriage Bargain. It would be the first of many adventures during a time when men were men, and women knew how to put them in their place.

Writing is in her blood, so it came as no surprise when she followed in the family footsteps. Her great, great grandfather kept a journal while traveling on a wagon train from Missouri to the California Goldrush of 1849. This beautifully written diary is considered five star and is kept in the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkley. Charles Kirkpatrick was married to the first woman to have a story printed in a magazine. With these credentials, is it any wonder that Paisley would use her talent to write historicals with a touch of romance?

Paisley and her husband moved from the Sierra Mountains of California (near Coloma, where the goldrush originated) to a small community in the Northwoods of Wisconsin four years ago. History in the 1850's abounds and has given her a place to create both of her series. She's written six books in the Paradise Pines Series, and then seven in the Northwoods Series.