The Commandments in the New Testament Gospels: Wwj–Tut–D? What Would Jesus Tell Us to Do?

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About the author

Bea Baldridge

Bea Baldridge is an avid student of God’s Word. She grew up in a Christian home, getting saved at age eight. Since that time she has loved reading the Bible, teaching others how to study, and helping others grow in their faith. She taught Sunday School for 29 years and is now teaching Hebrew. Bea loves word studies in the Bible’s original language, which helps one to draw near to the Heart of God and learn the deeper meanings of what God is saying to us. Also, in studying the Hebraic roots of our faith, learning what the words and idioms meant to people at the time the books of the Bible were written and what the customs were at that time gives a different slant on how we look at God’s Word.

Bea has served in every church she has ever attended. She served as the Secretary of the North Pacific District for the women’s group of the Christian and Missionary Alliance for a few years. She has helped with running women’s retreats at Alliance Redwoods, signed up over 300 women to go to Women of Faith at her church in Redding, California, and has been active in women’s groups for many years.

In observing the changing scene of people who attend church in this century, she noticed a distinct confusion about knowledge of who we are in Christ. For many years, her and her husband held home groups sponsored by their church. More and more it was clear that people need to know who the gospels say we are and what Jesus expects of us.

Therefore, it was on my heart for a few years to write this book. It is my heart for the Lord in His own words. He explains clearly in His Word what he expects of us and who we are in Him. This is more of a guidebook down the path that life takes us and how to walk that path and make the right decisions.

My goal for my book is to help people think straight about their life as a believer in Jesus, the Messiah.