The Resurrection of Angela

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About the author

George Swikehardt

Thomas DeAngelo was in a deep sleep when the phone began to ring incessantly.  Eventually he blindly reached for the phone and mumbled an annoyed ‘Hello’.  The voice on the other end caused him to bolt upright in bed.  That voice belonged to someone who had been declared dead 5 years ago.  It was the voice of Angela, the wife from who he had been separated prior to her supposed death. She was in grave danger and desperately needed his help, which would require him to travel to Brazil.  For the sake of his daughters, he agreed. The journey to rescue her would take him to Sao Paulo, Rio, Brasilia and a thousand miles up the Amazon River to Manaus and an abandoned native village on the banks of the Rio Negro.  Along the way he would encounter a Brazilian love interest who becomes an integral part of his rescue plan, as well as dangerous criminals from New York and Brazil who would ultimately be seeking to eliminate him.