Tribulation and Escape

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About the author

Carl Facciponte

Carl Facciponte travels the world and gathers his book concepts and content from those travels to incorporate into his fiction and non-fiction books.
His favorite destination is the Amazon River.
Why: He loves working with the rainforest indigenous people on their construction projects.
Challenges: He doesn't speak their language. Hearts supersede languages.

Published Books:
"Gabriella, 'till death do us part… maybe."
To be human…
Only her creators and the government know she is a machine. In her quest to become human, she collides with sexual awareness, military deception, murder, and sinister programming.

"Tribulation and Escape" addresses the oft-misunderstood and confusing concepts surrounding the last seven years of Earth's history, commonly called the Tribulation Period. Carl carefully, logically, and sometimes controversially demystifies the topics with easy-to-understand language. This book has been engineered and written to spur spirited discussion.

"Blessings from Ethiopia" is a very heavily illustrated (photos on virtually every page), cathartic review of his visits to AIDS compounds, leper colonies, city dumps where people eat whatever they can find, and various orphanages in Ethiopia, including an HIV+ young children's orphanage. Stories from working in the waiting center of Operation Smile will warm your heart as volunteer surgeons restore children with severe deformities. 

Carl teaches Photography, Marketing, Personal Finance, Creation/Evolution, and Microsoft Office courses as electives at the high school level. He and his wife are former directors of a seven-month adult catechism program in their home church and are active in the mission field.