Dancing in Dangerous Times - Labour Day Volume

See more by Kevin Alan McGill

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Sometimes serious, sometimes satirical, always meant to be enjoyed! The Digests contain a collection of satire, short (flash) fiction and poetry. They are meant for people who want a little intellectual stimulation with their entertainment.

They all stem from the restless mind of Kevin Alan McGill - a mixture of Beat Poet, Class Clown, and Armchair Philosopher.

You're welcome to be part of the journey as Kevin explores the issues of contemporary life and dabbles with various literary forms.

Kevin Alan McGill is a Canadian author of short (flash) fiction, poetry, satire, prose, comics and graphic illustrations. He finds himself somewhere between the sensibilities of a Beat Poet and the satirical slant of a Stephen Leacock. His eBooks include the "Dancing in Dangerous Times" digests and "Canadian? Me? - Celebrating Life in this Land Together".

For more from Kevin, visit his website the-possible-ks.com and his blog thepossibleks.wordpress.com. His eBooks are distributed through Smashwords to various fine eBook sellers.

Other books by Kevin Alan McGill