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A romance novel about how Happy Ever After is a moving target.


Kelli had a lot of experience with 'you should meet my friend.' Sometimes it went fine, sometimes it was best forgotten. This was the first time she'd turned to the person setting the thing up and said "Are you serious?" in a way that did not mean 'you'll pay for this later.'


Vince was only willing to drive all the way across town because he trusted the friend who said 'you should meet this person.' This was the first time he'd ended an evening thinking 'she is perfect.' By the end of their first real date, he wanted to do whatever it took to be the perfect partner for Kelli.


They both kept discovering what that meant. From dancing together just for fun, to preparing routines for performance and competition; from being great at dating to getting good at being married. Each new stage of life was like another new dance. They were always starting over, always going back to basics. Always looking at each other and thinking 'we can do this,' even when things got rough.

Other books by A.Y. Caluen

About the author

A.Y. Caluen

A.Y. Caluen lives in a small purple house with her husband, a bottle of Laphroaig, a lot of books, and nine pairs of ballroom shoes. She is the author of over fifty contemporary romance novels and novellas featuring creative, diverse characters.