The Seventh Gift

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About the author

Gil Jackson

Gil Jackson was born and raised in Wandsworth, south London. He is married to Rita, a Surrey girl. They have three children and two grandchildren. He writes sci-fi and time travel alternative histories. His first novel in the FBI Agent Charlie O’Hare series is, The Seventh Gift, the second, The Sentinel Mother is about to be released. His other books feature the lawyer, Phileas Cluff, the first book in the series, The Tinners Hut, is an alternative history work. The Charlie O'Hare books are based in New York, and as such are written in American-English, while his home books are in English. His approach to writing is thought intensive: that is, he puts a lot into his stories. These suspense and adventure novels are written in a manner that is such that the reader will think deeper long after the book has been read.

He has two Nonfiction books. The London Apprentice is a tongue-in-cheek autobiography of his time as an apprentice compositor. The other, Hiram B. Good's, The Multi-Drop Drivers' Manual is the definitive bible for courier drivers, an occupation he worked for a time while resting between jobs.

He attended what is now the London College of Communication where he studied hand composition for the printing industry, graphic art and typography. Going on to study ancient writing at Aldersgate and Barbican college, quickly learning that cuneiform was not a way forward in his career. He has worked as an origination manager for several print companies. As well as writing he runs a freelance ebook and epaperback formatting company at

He is a qualified instructor in sub-aqua diving, a marathon runner, wild camper, wild swimmer, a has-been slalamist kayaker, gymnast, motorcyclist and a banjo uke devotee.