Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed Book Five

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About the author

Kiwi Joe

Hello, I am Kiwi Joe.

I began my training as a remote viewer more than a decade ago, and for over five years I've remote viewed a broad range of targets for a wide variety of clients. All the information in the Remote Viewed series comes from my many practice sessions during that time, including those I worked as part of a remote viewing team. The many illustrations you will find in the books are my original drawings from the practice sessions.

The first two books focus on a popular and fun remote viewing target, the whereabouts of Forrest Fenn's hidden treasure chest with millions of dollars' worth of gold and jewelry inside. Well, as you might now know, the excitement was over all too soon. June 2020, the treasure was finally discovered inside the chest in the Rockies, wet and open to the elements (i.e., not buried) all just as my data had shown. The follow-up books in the series are titled 'Fukushima Radiation Solution' and 'Most Secret Weapons of Nations'. I hope you find them stimulating reads.