Snowbunny Finds A Friend

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About the author

MaryBeth VanderMeulen

     MaryBeth VanderMeulen is a freelance writer and certified cartoonist. She began writing in 1970 for the Quesnel Observer handling feature stories and correspondence articles for the locals.
     Her cartooning career took off in 1989 when she lived in Vancouver’s West End. She is also certified in animation.
     Writing for many small town publications, she became known to many including the Terrace Review newspaper where she sent articles as an area correspondent for Expo 86. Photos were sent by her to the Queen Charlotte Island Observer while acting as their correspondent at the same Exposition.
Other newspapers she wrote for include: the Nelson Daily News, the Trail Rossland News and the Express and Western Star.
     In addition, she is a published poet, business woman and was always active in community service.
Her first book was published in 2011 and is entitled, The Associated History of Salmo & Ymir.
     She began writing online and decided to pursue e-books which she wrote for children. You can catch her books at: