Unbroken Bonds

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We discovered that our fears and doubts were no match for the love we shared. Willowbrook, once the backdrop to our friendship, became the canvas for our love story.
The culmination of our journey took place on a warm summer day, with the lake as our witness and our friends and family gathered around. Riley and I exchanged vows, promising to cherish and support each other for the rest of our lives.
Under the clear blue sky, I held Riley's hand, knowing that we had taken the greatest leap of all—from best friends to lovers. We had found our happily ever after in each other's arms, and I knew, without a doubt, that our love was unbreakable, our bond unshakable, and our story just beginning.
And as we sealed our love with a kiss, I whispered to Riley, "Our love is like this lake, deep, beautiful, and timeless. I will always cherish it, and I will always cherish you."
With a smile that reached her sparkling green eyes, she replied, "And I will always cherish you, Alex, my best friend, my love, my forever."
This is our story.

Other books by Sapphic Shelley

About the author

Sapphic Shelley

With a fervent passion for crafting lesbian short stories and novellas, I specialize in creating captivating sapphic tales that provide a delightful erotic escape. My writing style is dedicated to delivering instant love and heart-fluttering moments that leave you blushing and grinning. Indulging in that secret smile that leaves others curious about the joy that fills your heart.