Twenty Seven Letters

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About the author

Katrina Perolino

Katrina Maria Perolino grew up reading books and pronouncing phrases beyond a one-year old's usual fare of words. Born to a mother with immensely interesting stories to tell, she herself became a garrulous storyteller before she even turned a year old. She cracked open books and a Logitech before learning how to put on her roller-skates, and now indulges in devouring books at lightning speeds and transporting herself to worlds that exist only in vivid imaginations and voracious idealisms. She dreams of a utopia of books and workout equipment are discounted for eternity and frou-frou drinks doled out for free, and where morning begins at two in the afternoon and the evening at ten PM. She often stays up too late for her betterment on her blog and her social media, immortalising her idiosyncrasies and quips. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram as @quatrinaa, and on her personal blog at