
See more by Kella Hanna-Wayne

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"Pet" is a poem sequence that navigates the reader through the traumatic & transformative journey of domestic abuse and its aftermath.


Written in four parts, "Pet" explores what it means to lose the sense of self to the coercion of violence; the world-shattering revelation, grief, and uncertainty after the escape; the ache of hindsight; and the quiet strength found in healing. Kella Hanna Wayne's debut collection of poems is a story of self-denial and self-discovery; A book of poetry to be read cover to cover, and then over again.

Other books by Kella Hanna-Wayne

About the author

Kella Hanna-Wayne

Kella has been teaching others about mental health, disability, chronic illness, trauma, and Dissociative Identity Disorder through writing since 2016. She is the editor, publisher, and main writer for Yopp, a resource-hub dedicated to consolidating the do's and don'ts of social justice. Her work has also been published in the Ms. Magazine blog, The BeZine, and Uttered Chaos. In her spare time, she loves creating digital art, engaging in lively conversations with her cat Rosa, and working to build a life together with the other alters in her system, who are the reason she is still here today.