A Witch's Charm

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Esmeralda Strange loves Halloween and is excited for the upcoming party at Witch Brew, the coffee shop she owns with her best friend. The only downside in her life is the lack of romance. She hopes to find it one day, but is losing hope fast.

Dexter Bell is married to his business and is irritated he has to visit Kismet Bay to deal with his partner. When he crosses paths with Esmeralda he starts to see the appeal of the small town and wonders if he should re-evaluate his life goals and take a leap toward the possibility of love.

Other books by Dawn Brower

About the author

Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance. There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.

Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.

For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website: authordawnbrower.com