A Champion’s Guide to Growth Mindset: Develop Your Success Qualities and Achieve Your Goals. A Key to Resilience, Confidence and Self-Discipline.

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About the author

Wayne Marshall Harrett

About Wayne Marshall Harrett

Wayne M. Harrett is a teacher and mental coach, and author of A Champion’s Guide to Growth Mindset.

He is fascinated by the power of the right mindset to transform the course of a person's life, and he embeds this passionate belief in his books. His writing focuses on strategies to shift one's mind-set and lead the way to success in any area of life, its strategies address an audience of all ages.

Wayne has always been a great believer in helping other people and is pushed to empower individuals to grow a positive mindset and enhance their lot in life.

In his professional career, he has always aimed to increase both team and individual motivation. He feels very comfortable using his own personal background and experiences to bring others to feel confident and help them to achieve their goals.

Wayne believes in the meaning of the Latin phrase 'Mens sana in corpore sano' (a healthy mind in a healthy body) and therefore how physical activity can prevent many illnesses, including those of the mind. This motivates him to exercise consistently every morning before starting his working and study day.

Both for personal pleasure and for work, Wayne has travelled extensively around the world during his life, also driven by a hunger for knowledge and meeting new people and cultures. his experiences as a traveller allowed him to enlarge and deepen his studies. W. transposes this rich background into all his writings.

He currently lives in Washington DC with his two children and his wife.

Want to know more? You can contact him for consultation or collaboration at wayne.author@waynemarshallharrett.com