With threats pressing her from every side, can Ruby fulfill her destiny? It's time for Ruby Achera to complete the quest and become the Mist Elves' new Mirra – or die trying. Will the venture into the unknown bring new threats? Well, of course. It's Magic City. Meanwhile, the anti-human sentiment is coming out into the open. Julianna Sloane is plotting to bring not just one casino, but all of them, under her control. Overshadowing it all is the Paranormal Defense Agency. They've decided the trio of costumed protectors of the city are numbers one, two, and three on their hit list. Who will stand by Ruby's side and protect her city? The answers may surprise you. For action, magic, snarky banter, martial arts, mystical creatures, and high intrigue, join Ruby and her allies in Magic City! Go up and click Read for Free or Buy Now to continue Ruby' s adventure!