The Wind: A Starlite Mystery

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About the author

Michele Fraser

Ray and Michele are a full-time writing team with a serious passion for storytelling. They combine their love of writing, vivid imagination, and years of experience as professional spirit mediums to guide their readers into uncharted territories.
In 1994, Ray’s intuitions fostered by Cherokee and Scottish ancestry, led him to open Mystiques-West Metaphysical Center in Michigan. During the twenty-three years of operation, Ray hosted a #1 radio talk show and a live TV show, called The Mystical Connection. They performed home cleansing, organized ghost hunts, taught classes in mediumship, and led weekly public seances to connect clients to their departed loved ones on the other side. The messages that come through from spirit have helped many to find peace. Ray also facilitated the last four National Houdini Seances sponsored by Houdini historian Sid Radner.
In addition to readings and life coaching sessions, Ray’s work as an ordained minister has provided his clientele with years of grief and relationship counseling, weddings, and funerals.
As a screenwriter, Michele brings her love of film into the fold by incorporating her own style of creativity into their endeavors. She’s also the backbone of the editing process, social media management, cover design, and marketing.
Ray and Michele infuse their stories with mystery, intrigue, tales of the afterlife, and other worldly phenomena to create a fascinating and adventurous journey for readers.

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