The Journey You Start Isn't The One You Finish
It's 2165 in the Old Calendar, 0093 in the New. The world is a desolate realm of vast zones governed by the mysterious Council Of the Brotherhood Orders. Brothers and Settlers vie for control in what once was the developed world. Insurgencies plague the rest. The past is taboo, erased by the enigmatic "Before."
Jed and Max Kleer, half-brothers born into elite Brotherhood cohorts, share a mysterious bond that neither understands. They're washouts living empty lives, adrift in the remnants of New York City.
Jed gets a chance at redemption in the Sonoran Desert and Max, in trouble and needing to lie low, joins him there. When Hannah Joyner, a settler abducted to be a sex slave, enters their lives, things take an unexpected turn. They embark on a perilous journey across the continent to guide the lost girl home. What could possibly go wrong?
The journey they start won't be the one they finish.
Technium defies the conventions of the dystopian genre by combining romance, humor and lyrical meditations on the America that once was and might one day be. It consists of two volumes, The Brothers Of Redemption and A Daughter Of Her People.