The Door at the Top of the Stairs

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About the author

Alison Naomi Holt

“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.” – Carl Sagan

For mystery fans, Alison recently published Credo's Run, the 8th book in the Alex Wolfe Mysteries, and for the people who love the award-winning fantasy series, The Seven Realms of Ar'rothi, the 6th book, Aidrafiri: Aevala's Own is available for pre-order.
Alison, who grew up listening to her mother reading her the most wonderful books full of adventure, heroes, ducks, and curly-tailed pigs, promotes reading wherever she goes and believes literacy is the key to changing the world for the better.
In her writing, she follows Heinlein’s Rules, the first rule being You Must Write. To that end, she writes in several genres simply because she enjoys the great variety of characters and settings her over-active fantasy life creates. There’s nothing better for her than when a character looks over their shoulder, crooks a finger for her to follow, and heads off on an adventure. From medieval castles to a horse farm in Virginia to the police beat in Tucson, Arizona, her characters live exciting lives, and she’s happy enough to follow them around and report on what she sees.
Alison's previous life as a cop gave her a bizarre sense of humor, a realistic look at life, and an insatiable desire to live life to the fullest. She loves all horses & hounds and some humans…
Alison enjoys hearing from her readers. Visit her website at to get in touch.