The Blair Monster

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About the author

Chris Sellek

I write things.

That feels ambiguous. Allow me to explain.

For my 9-5, I'm a software engineer and I write code. But ever since I got lost in countless movies as a child with my siblings, I've been fascinated by, and constructing my own, stories.

From the (probably terrible) short stories I was constantly cranking out in elementary school through high school, to the screenplay I wrote in high school, to the short film I wrote and directed in college, to the humor blog ( I maintained in my early adult life, I've written nonstop pretty much since I learned how to put letters together to create words.

So it was really only a matter of time until I published something. Eventually, this happened in 2016 when I self-published The Blair Monster, a gothic horror short story set in the mountains based on my own actual experiences with the mountains of NC. After this, I decided it was high time for my first novel. Thus, Eliya, and my "big boy" writing career was born.

I LOVE stories and storytelling, modern fantasy (The Lightbringer series is my current favorite), and gothic horror tales. The original Star Wars trilogy, which I will never forget watching in wide-eyed wonder as a kid in the 90s, heavily influences almost everything I write. I love telling a good, original story, and I love writing stories with characters from historically-marginalized groups because I think it's high time someone other than white males had their own Luke Skywalkers to dream of becoming when they grow up.

I'm Chris Sellek. I write things.