The works of Poe were dark and often disturbing. From dismembered corpses, rivals bricked behind cellar walls, murders in back alleys, laments for lost loves, obsessions that drive men - and women! - to madness, his stories have had a profound impact on both the horror and mystery genres to this day. In Quoth the Raven, we invite you to answer the call of the raven and revisit Poe's work, re-imagined for the twenty-first century. Here, the lover of mystery and Gothic horror will find familiar themes in contemporary settings, variations on Poe's tales, and faithful recreations of the author's signature style.

Other books by Lyn Worthen

About the author

Lyn Worthen

 As a freelance editor, Lyn Worthen has edited over six million words of fiction for indie authors, and her multi-author anthologies have received awards and acclaim from the League of Utah Writers, the Critters Writing Workshop, and the Horror Writers of America. She is a frequent participant in fiction workshops and conferences, both as a presenter and a student of the craft and business of publishing. She is a self-described "caffeine-to-text conversion unit," which explains how she gets so much done.

Lyn is the editor of the Camden Park Press anthologies:
- Cat Ladies of the Apocalypse (
- Yearning to Breathe Free (
- Mirages and Speculations (
- Quoth the Raven (
- Wings of Change (
- Love is Like a Box of Chocolates (
- Love Among the Thorns (
- A Year of the Monkeys (
- How I Got Published and What I Learned Along the Way (

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