Whiz, the Teenage Scientist, Amazing Journey in His Space-Time Elevator: The Pursuit of Precious.

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About the author

Chris Briscoe

This Covid-19 pandemic has been raging for two years and we have witnessed what happens when science and politics are mixed the result is the scientists become "politicians" and the politicians become "scientists".
We have witnessed in the last two years of this Covid-19 "pandemic" a complete attempt to take more and more freedoms away from us in the name of our health and now we are at a huge juncture where our Governments are trying to force everyone to take a vacccine. If we do not wake up to what is happening, and what has happened, we will have the rest of our freedoms and even our way of life, and lives taken away.
I have a deep concern for the way our culture has veered off completely, and now common sense and truth has been thrown out the window. Our only hope is to let the truth seep-out to expose the lies in the high and low places, and of course, return to the only One who can save us and give us real hope and comfort.