Cherishing Whiskey's Salvation

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About the author

Chrissy Hartmann

Chrissy Hartmann  is a Buckeye through and through. Medical transcriptionist/editor by day and author all other hours.

She loves romances...reading and writing them. Plus she's  won a few writing contests with her short stories. Short stories that are nothing like her romances. in fact some say they are quite murderous! She's dabbled in poetry, but it doesn't come as easy as  novel writing.

When she's not writing, she's  sipping coffee all while spinning vinyl with her hubby, talking Star Wars with her son, snuggling her kitten and puppy, and even dressing her lawn geese. She loves quaint little coffee shops and libraries plus those unique independent bookstores. Sign her up for a writing conference and she'll be sure to go. Some day she says she'll grow up, but with the Muses as her constant companions it won't be any time soon.