Barren SEAD: USAF Defense Suppression Doctrine 1953-1972


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About the author

James Young

James Young is a Missouri native who escaped small town life via spending four years at a small, well-known Federal institution in upstate New York. After being set free from the Hudson River Valley, Mr. Young spent the next six years of his life in various locations (both foreign and domestic) having the cost of his education repaid one nickel at a time. Along the way he collected a loving, patient, and beautiful spouse...and various animals that did not fit any of those descriptions.

After leaving the Republic's employ, James returned to the Midwest to pursue his doctorate in history--a process that has taken approximately twice the time he planned. Currently living with the same great woman and roughly four times the weight of pets (in the form of a pair of flatulent, WWE emulating shelter dogs), Mr. Young spends his time researching history, working for the Republic (again), and plotting new and interesting ways to torment characters.