At the Waterline

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About the author

Brian K. Friesen

Brian K. Friesen received a Master of Arts degree in English from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, where he was the recipient of the James Patrick Follinsbee Award for creative writing. While attending the University of Alberta, he helped to transcribe and edit a Reformation-era manuscript for publication and was a research assistant specializing in fiction, creative nonfiction and the medical humanities

Brian's stories and essays have appeared in R.KV.R.Y. Literary Journal, The Music Liberation Project, The Portland Spectator, and A Write Around Portland Anthology. Brian produced a poetry radio show for Golden Hours at OPB radio and performed an oral history of a Northwest Native American elder (available at the Oregon Historical Society.) He has also volunteered at a number of northwestern organizations, including Willamette Writers and Write Around Portland. 

Brian lived on a sailboat for several years on the Columbia River and has worked at a number of Portland area marinas. He currently works as a technical writer and software tester for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. He lives with his wife and two children in Salem, Oregon.

Other writing projects: A young-adult fiction novel, a literary fiction novel about the 1948 Vanport flood, a collection of advent meditations, and lots of poems.