Home Goal & My Goal

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About the author

H J Perry

HJ Perry lives by the English seaside BUT is learning to accept having words translated into American for an international audience. 
Writes about people and their relationships, in the romance genre. Challenging, thought-provoking and sometimes funny.

Based on the advice, write what you know, HJP writes books about men falling in love in England where, for the most part, LGBT people are treated with the same respect as anyone else. 

Having worked in the construction industry for years in real life, the fictional characters also often work in that macho, male dominated environment.
HJP has also been a political activist campaigning around LBGT issues since the 1980s.

You will find lust, sex, desire and love in these books and always a happy ending. 
Often a happy start, happy middle and very little angst too.
They are for an adult audience.