Schrödinger's Dog

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"Well written, great characters, terrific story, it all seems so plausible, sort of, maybe." - Reader review
"A love affair between two of the protagonists leaves one of them in distress, and I found myself really feeling his tears at his loss. That means that the writing was first class." - Reader review

i-Vector Series Book #1

A convoluted, but down-to-earth sci-fi story set in the fringes of the present-day UK GCHQ.

A spell at GCHQ sounded like a refreshing change for academic historian George. But his life is thrown upside down when he gets put in a team with a gifted physicist, Alex, and multi-talented prankster mathematician, Betty, who have covertly broken through the accepted rules of physics to produce an extraordinary novel technology. As the full powers of their device become apparent, they conspire to conceal the truth from their paymasters whilst pushing the boundaries of its science relentlessly, until overtaken by a perfect storm of bad luck that has catastrophic consequences. Romance, action, despair and guilt clash as they desperately struggle to put things right.

A great read for those who enjoy exploration of concepts such as time, entanglement, multiverse theory, reality and actuality; it also weaves in credible personal stories.  (230 pages)

Other books by Allan Brewer

About the author

Allan Brewer

Allan Brewer was born in 1948 in Ramsgate, on the Kent Coast. Spending his early years living in a basement flat in a large seaside hotel, where his father was the accountant, as a child he remembers 'hanging out' with telephonists, chefs and residents. His schooling years were spent in the London suburbs, but he has lived most of his life in the Westcountry. After a degree in Pharmacy from Nottingham University, he built a successful career in authoring software, but later returned to science, researching for a PhD in Computational Biochemistry at Bristol. He is now retired in Bristol where he is bringing up his granddaughter, walking her dog and writing. 

He maintains a blog of quirky and fringe (but real) science on his website at: