History, Records, and Worldbuilding: 50 Questions for Creatives

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History is a vital part of our lives - and our fiction. How do your fictional cultures record history, deal with change, honor the past, and face the future? This book is here to help you bring history to life!


This book is a helpful series of 50 questions, as well as follow-up exercises and more, to help you think about what history means in your setting. From records to disinformation, historians to museums, this book walks you through the important questions with helpful advice, suggested exercises, and more.


Make history and your fiction will also make history!

Other books by Steven Savage

About the author

Steven Savage

Steven Savage is an IT Professional, writer, blogger, and speaker on creativity, "geeky jobs", culture, and careers. When not doing serious stuff, he also writes fiction and maintains several websites!

He's most known for his "Way With Worlds" series on worldbuilding for creators.

www.stevensavage.com - His personal website, with his speaking schedule and latest works.

www.waywithworlds.com​ - His Way With Worlds worldbuilding series!​

www.informotron.com - Steve's press site, with all of his books and free resources!

www.seventhsanctum.com - A site of creative tools for artists and writers.