The North American Vampire Secret Agency (NAVSA) series follows the adventures of Rebecca Sawyer as she becomes a vampire to join werewolf hunter Dylan Torrence in battling werewolves and other supernatural threats that terrorize mankind.
Crystal Black Torrence has lost everything at the hands of a murderous witch and a power-hungry werewolf.
She now struggles to forge a normal life with her new family and to harness her new magical powers.
But can a witch with a power like hers be kept a secret?
Will the vampires be able to protect Crystal from those who wish to control her?
Book 5: Vampire Lost
Partners in the field and in life, Rebecca and Dylan are an unstoppable team.
The holidays are approaching, but when Rebecca learns of a mysterious female from Dylan's past, she leaves her family in search of answers. Along the way, she must decide:
Should she share her own secret? Forgive Dylan for keeping his? Seek revenge for past wrongs?
As Rebecca travels and reconnects with people and places from her past, she comes to a better understanding of herself. But will it all be for nothing when she encounters an old love, now a handsome but mysterious man?
Book 6: Blood Wars
The conclusion to the North American Vampire Secret Agency series!
The werewolves have found a way into the vampire sanctuary. Will vampires Rebecca and Dylan be able to defend their home and those they love against an army of werewolves led by a vicious witch and the powerful alpha werewolf?