The problem with being the family do-gooder? Sometimes you need to be bad.
Or selfish, or whatever it’s called when I lock lips with Blanka Pavlo in a hospital hallway. I’m nuts about the sexy science goddess, but it’s a dick move to ditch a lifetime of rescue work staying here instead of heading back out on the high seas.
But it turns out donating an organ gets you grounded a while. A few months at my family’s resort means more time with Blanka, and more chances she’ll notice I suck at self-care.
She has a point, and also a plan. That’s how I end up tied to my headboard with balloon animals, adopting a homely cat, and joining Blanka for a bubble bath that’s way steamier than any fully-clothed event ought to be.
It’s almost enough to make a guy forget why he’s spent a lifetime struggling to cancel out the sins of dear ol’ dad.
Almost. Not quite.