Loving Heart

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About the author

Angel Rose

I was Born and raised in NYC...The Capital of the World. As a child, I loved to draw. I spent most of my time drawing instead of playing with dolls. As I got a little older, around ten, I started to write cartoons and plays to act out with my friends on the block. Then, it all stopped. I continued to draw, tried out for a specialized Art High School, but wasn't accepted. So my dreams of becoming an artist fizzled away. My life took a totally different path and writing just wasn't a part of it, unless I had to write a paper for College. Marriage, two kids and three college degree's later, I decided to start writing in 2007, while taking online classes for my next degree. Then, I stopped writing... Life took over. :( (Sounds like my next suspense book...LOL!)
To my surprise, I found the book one day hidden away in the closet and started writing again in 2014. With a little push from my best friend, I finished the book in 2015 and took a chance on self-publishing it. I self-published in August 2015 and...here I am! 
Today, I am married and reside in upstate New York in the sticks with my husband and teenage sons! This author life is a hidden treasure. The second part of my life has just begun...Follow me. I would love to share everything I do with you. Let's take this journey together. :)