An Nft Craze

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This book compiles some of my work with nfts (non-fungible tokens). Nfts are works of art that, though digital, are unique in themselves just as physical paintings, drawings or sculptures. Nfts are part of the so-called Ethereum blockchain, as a sort of crypto currency that also includes all sorts of digital art (video, audio, documents, pictures, even this book, etc.) susceptible to being minted as an nft. Nfts reflect, for the most part, simplicity, minimalism and, in a way, our embellishment with signals. As such, they usually represent nothing, but are part of an experience. Indeed, in contrast to other nfts on offer, the ones included in the book have meaning and, for the most part, present visual arguments supporting a topic. This will become evident for readers coming from all walks of life. 

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About the author

Sergio Torres-Martínez

Sergio Torres–Martínez is professor of cognitive linguistics, semiotics and translation semiotics. Among his main interests are Agentive Cognitive Construction Grammar, Cognitive Semantics, embodiment theory, phenomenology, Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language, Peircean semiotics and the cognitive applications of construction grammar (Applied Cognitive Construction Grammar). Current research projects include the conceptualization of construction grammar as an interdisciplinary field of endeavor connecting embodiment theory, neuroscience semiotics and philosophy for the construction of a comprehensive and systematic description of constructional attachment patterns across languages. Central to this research is the need to provide linguistics with a model of the mind that complements linguistic description.